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Debug 13!:

See Section II.J and the script system\main\debug.ijs.

13!:0 y Reset. Reset stack and disable (0) or enable (1) suspension. Nearly all the facilities in the 13!: family require that suspension be enabled; all the examples below assume that suspension is enabled: 13!:0 ]1 . Only named definitions (verb, adverb, or conjunction) can be suspended.
13!:1 y Display Stack. Only named definitions (verb, adverb, or conjunction) are put on the stack. See also 13!:13 and 13!:18 .
13!:2 y Query Stops.
13!:3 y Set Stops. Explicit stops are requested by name and line number in the argument y, which contains zero or more stop specifications separated by semicolons. Each stop specification indicates a name, line numbers (if any) for the monadic case, a colon, and line numbers (if any) for the dyadic case. An asterisk indicates “all”, and a tilde indicates “except for”. For example:
13!:3 'f 0' f monadic line 0
13!:3 'f :2' f dyadic line 2
13!:3 'f 0 2:1' f monadic 0 2, dyadic 1
13!:3 'f 0; g :*' f monadic 0 and g all dyadic
13!:3 '* 0:0' monadic 0 and dyadic 0
13!:3 'a* *:*; ~ab* *:*'   All monadic and dyadic whose names begin with a, except for any beginning with ab
   f=: 3 : 0
   13!:3 'f 1:0'               Stop at f monad line 1, dyad line 0
   f ''
|stop: f
|       11
      13!:0 ]1                 Clear stack and enable suspension
   3 f 4
|stop: f
|       20
13!:4 y Run Again. Resume execution at the current line. For example:
   g=: 3 : ('t=. 2*y'; '1+t')
   3 4,g 'abc'
|domain error: g
|   t=.2    *y
      y                        six-space indent indicates suspension
abc                            Local value of y
      y=. 25                   Redefine local value of y
      13!:4 ''                 Run again
3 4 51
13!:5 y Run Next. Resume execution at the next line. For example:
   h=: 3 : ('t=. 2 3*y'; '1+t')
   3 4,h 5 6 7
|length error: h
|   t=.2 3    *y
      t=. 99                   six-space indent indicates suspension
      13!:5 ''                 Run next
3 4 100
13!:6 y Exit and Return. Exit the verb/adverb/conjunction at the top of the stack, returning result y . For example:
   g=: 3 : ('t=. 2*y'; '1+t')
   3 4,g 'abc'
|domain error: g
|   t=.2    *y
      13!:6 [9                 Exit g with result 9
3 4 9
   h=: 2&*
   3 4,h 'abc'
|domain error: h
      13!:6 [97                Exit h with result 97
3 4 97
13!:7 y Continue. Resume execution at line number y
[x] 13!:8 y Signal. Signal error number {.,y (an integer between 1 and 255) with optional text x
[x] 13!:9 y Rerun. Resume execution by rerunning the tacit verb at the top of the stack with the specified arguments. Thus:
   plus=: +
|domain error: plus
|plus[:0] *
      13!:13 ''                See below re interpretation of stack
|plus|3|0|3|+||+-+-+|  |*|
|    | | | | |||b|c||  | |
|    | | | | ||+-+-+|  | |
      2 (13!:9) 3              Rerun, getting another error
|domain error: plus
|plus[:0] !
      13!:13 ''                Note left and right args ('a' and 5)
|plus|3|0|3|+||+-+-+|  |*|
|    | | | | |||a|5||  | |
|    | | | | ||+-+-+|  | |
      1 (13!:9) 5              Rerun 
13!:11 y Error Number. Last error number. Does not required enabled suspension to work.
13!:12 y Error Message. Last error message. Does not required enabled suspension to work.
13!:13 y Stack. Produces a 9-column matrix of information on the (named) verbs/adverbs/conjunctions on the stack:
0  Name
1Error number or 0 if not in error
2Line number
3Name class: 3, 1, or 2, denoting verb, adverb, or conjunction
4Linear representation of the entity
5The name of the defining script
6Argument(s) individually boxed
7Locals as a 2-column matrix of name and value
8* if begins a suspension; a blank otherwise

In columns 6 and 7, nouns are included per se, and verb, adverb, and conjunction are represented by their linear representation. For example:
   mean=: sum % #
   sum=: plus/
   plus=: 4 : 'x+y'
   mean 'abcd'
|domain error: plus
|   x    +y

      13!:13 ''                Note tacit definitions have no locals
|plus|3|0|3|4 : 'x+y'||+-+-+ |+-+-+|*|
|    | | | |         |||c|d| ||x|c|| |
|    | | | |         ||+-+-+ |+-+-+| |
|    | | | |         ||      ||y|d|| |
|    | | | |         ||      |+-+-+| |
|sum |0|0|3|plus/    ||+----+|     | |
|    | | | |         |||abcd||     | |
|    | | | |         ||+----+|     | |
|mean|0|0|3|sum % #  ||+----+|     | |
|    | | | |         |||abcd||     | |
|    | | | |         ||+----+|     | |
13!:14 y Query Latent Expression.
13!:15 y Set Latent Expression. The latent expression is executed when execution is about to be suspended; error messages are suppressed; any continuation must be programmed in the latent expression.
13!:17 y Query. Is suspension enabled? (Set by 13!:0)
13!:18 y Stack Text. Like 13!:1, but gives the stack as a literal matrix.

A debug suspension is an immediate execution state with a non-empty execution stack. Another debug suspension is created when a named object (verb, adverb, or conjunction) is invoked in a debug suspension and it too suspends.

Four verbs are provided. They are part of the debug facility in the J development environment and usually are not invoked directly. Their behaviour and availability are subject to change without notice.

13!:19 y Cut Back. Cut back one stack level, stopping at the line at the next stack level.
[x] 13!:20 y Step Over. Run the current line (or line x if specified) to completion, stopping at the next line.
[x] 13!:21 y Step Into. Run the current line (or line x if specified), stopping at the next line.
[x] 13!:22 y Step Out. Run the current object to completion, starting with the current line (or line x if specified), stopping at the next line.

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