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Command line parameters

The J Front End puts the command line parameters in ARGV_j_. Some parameters affect JFE actions and others affect profile actions. With -jprofile, -jijx, and -js parameters you can start J in various ways.

In the following J is Jwd or Jconsole. F is the name of a script. A is 0 or more additional parameters.
J               - load profile
J F A           - load profile; profile loads F

J -jprofile     - no profile (default ijx window if Jwd)
J -jprofile F A - load F (special profile)

J -jijx F A     - load profile (no ijx) and profile loads F

J -js A         - load profile
                  profile sets ARGVERB_z_ from A and runs it
Examples with -js:
jconsole -js a=.23 b=.3 "echo a*b"
jconsole -js a=.23 b=.3 "echo a*b" exit
A Jwd end user application is started with -jijx if it needs profile, or with -jprofile if it doesn't.

A Jwd error loading profile (or F) with no ijx form gets messagebox ...no IDE... and closing the messagebox ends the task.

At the end of each input, if there are no forms (including hidden forms), the task is ended.

The following Windows Jwd specific parameters are supported:
/embedding                - start as Automation server
/register (or /regserver) - register JEXEServer and JDLLServer

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