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compare: comparison utilities

Name Type Description
compare verb compare character data
fcompare verb compare two text files
fcompares verb compare two text files as strings


compare character data

form: text1 compare text2
arguments may be character strings, with lines delimited
by LF, or character matrices (trailing blanks ignored).
for Mac, tolerates lines delimited by CR.

result shows lines not matched, in form:
   n [l] text

   n    =  0=left argument, 1=right argument
  [l]   =  line number
  text  =  text on line


compare two text files

form: opt fcompare files
  opt is optional suffix
  files is 2 file names or prefixes

files as character string is cut on blanks


  fcompare jpath '~system\main\myutil.ijs \jbak\system\main\myutil.ijs'
  '\myutil.ijs' fcompare jpath '~system\main';'\jbak\system\main'

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