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debug: debug definitions and utilities

Name Type Description
dberm verb last error message
dberr verb last error number
dbg verb turn debugging window on/off
dbjmp verb jump to line number
dblocals verb display names and locals on stack
dblxq verb latent expression query
dblxs verb latent expression set
dbnxt verb run next (skip line and run)
dbq verb queries suspension mode (set by dbr)
dbr verb reset, set suspension mode (0=disable, 1=enable)
dbret verb exit and return argument
dbrr verb re-run with specified arguments
dbrrx verb re-run with specified executed arguments
dbrun verb run again (from current stop)
dbs verb display stack
dbsig verb signal error
dbsq verb stop query
dbss verb stop set
dbst verb returns stack text
dbstack verb displays call stack with header
dbstk verb call stack
dbstop verb set stops on all lines in namelist
dbstopme verb set stops on current definition if y
dbstopnext verb set stop on next line of current definition if y
dbstops verb set stops on all lines in namelist
dbtrace verb trace control
dbview verb view stack


display names and locals on stack
form: [namelist] dblocals stack indices (default all)
         dblocals ''     display all local names in stack
 'abc Z' dblocals i.5    display names abc and Z where found
                         in first 5 definitions on stack


displays call stack with header
if  x=0  ignores definition and source script (default)
       1  displays full stack
y is the number of lines to display, all if empty
limits display of each item to length 30.


set stops on all lines in namelist

Adds to current set of stops


set stops on current definition if y
does nothing if suspension is off


set stop on next line of current definition if y
does nothing if suspension is off


set stops on all lines in namelist

Replaces current set of stops

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