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Box <  _ 0 0 Less Than  

<y is an atomic encoding of y , as discussed in Section II A. The result has rank 0, and is decoded by > .
  x<y is 1 if x is tolerantly less than y . See Equal (=) for a definition of tolerance. <!.t uses tolerance t .

Boxing is also effected by verbs such as Link (;) and Word Formation (;:):
   (<'abc'),(<5 7),(<i.2 3)
|abc|5 7|0 1 2|
|   |   |3 4 5|

   ;: 'Now is the time'
   ] a=: 2;3 5;7 11 13
|2|3 5|7 11 13|

2  0  0
3  5  0
7 11 13
Cut (;.) with < has several uses (chosen by the right argument); the phrase <@v avoids the padding (and some domain errors) that may result from applying v alone:
   <;._1 '/i sing/of olaf/'
|i sing|of olaf||

   i."(0) 2 3 4
0 1 0 0
0 1 2 0
0 1 2 3
   <@i."(0) 2 3 4
|0 1|0 1 2|0 1 2 3|
If y is a high-rank array, <"_1 y or <"_2 y often gives a more intelligible display than y itself. The display of a boxed array would normally be corrupted by control characters (such as carriage returns and linefeeds) occurring therein; in the display such characters are replaced by spaces. For example, try < 8 32 $ a.

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