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Locales 18!:

See also Section II.I and the “Locales” lab under menu item Studio|Labs... |Locales.

18!:0 y Name Class. Give the name class of the locale named y, with 0 for named, 1 for numbered, _1 for non-existent, and _2 for illegal name. Thus:

   18!:0 ;:'base j z 45bad asdf 0'
0 0 0 _2 _1 1
[x] 18!:1 y Name List. Give the names of named (0) or numbered (1) locales. The optional left argument specifies the initial letters of names. Thus:

   18!:1 [0         All named locales

   asdf_bb_=: 'sesquipedalian'

   'jb' 18!:1 [0    All named locales beginning in j or b

   18!:3 ''         Create a numbered locale

   18!:1 i.2        All named and numbered locales
[x] 18!:2 y Path. The monad gives the (search) path for locale y ; the dyad sets the path for locale y to x . The path of a locale is initially ,<,'z' , except that the path of locale z is empty initially. If a name sought in locale f is not found in f , then it is sought in the locales in the path of f (but not searching their paths). For example:
   (;:'a cd b') 18!:2 <'f'
   18!:2 <'f'
The path of locale f is set to a , cd , and b .
[x] 18!:3 y Create. If y is the empty string, then create a previously-unused numbered locale. If y is a name, then (re-)create the named locale; an error is signalled if the named locale already exists and is non-empty. The result is the name of the created locale.

x specifies the size of the hash table for the locale, requiring w*2^6+x bytes where w is the number of bytes in a word. If x is elided, then the defaults specified in 9!:38 and 9!:39 are used. A larger hash table size improves performance; regardless of the hash table size, a locale may contain an effectively unlimited number of names.
   18!:3 ''        Create a numbered locale
   18!:3 ''        Create another one
   18!:1 [1        Names of numbered locales
18!:4 y Switch Current. Switch the current locale to y at the end of the currently executing named verb. Initially the current locale is base .
18!:5 y Current. The name of the current locale. For example:
   18!:5 ''
18!:55 y Erase. Erase locale y (once it finishes execution). A numbered locale, once erased, may not be reused; a named locale may be reused at will.

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