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m&v and u&n Extended initial writing: 2000-11-24
last updated: 2004-10-26

The dyads m&v and u&n (a verb fixed with one of its arguments), previously undefined, are now defined as follows:

  x m&v y m&v^:x y
  x u&n y u&n^:x y

That is, the verb m&v (u&n) is applied x number(s) of times to the argument y . For example:
   ] x=: _10+i.4 5
_10 _9 _8 _7 _6
 _5 _4 _3 _2 _1
  0  1  2  3  4
  5  6  7  8  9

   x (3&+) 0
_30 _27 _24 _21 _18
_15 _12  _9  _6  _3
  0   3   6   9  12
 15  18  21  24  27

   x (*&2) 1
0.000976563 0.00195313 0.00390625 0.0078125 0.015625
    0.03125     0.0625      0.125      0.25      0.5
          1          2          4         8       16
         32         64        128       256      512

   x (*&2) 1x
1r1024 1r512 1r256 1r128 1r64
  1r32  1r16   1r8   1r4  1r2
     1     2     4     8   16
    32    64   128   256  512

   $ x (*&2) i.7
4 5 7

   0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 _ (2&o.) 1
1 0.540302 0.857553 0.79348 0.750418 0.739567 0.739086 0.739085 0.739085

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