Mapped Boxed Arrays
initial writing: 2000-03-31 last updated: 2004-10-21
Amend in Place
Multiple References
Shared Use
Function Summary
You are assumed to have studied the “Mapped Files” Lab as a pre-requisite.
(The lab is found under the J menu item Studio|Labs...|Mapped Files.)
Now then, a quick example illustrates mapped boxed arrays:
corequire 'jmf'
createjmf_jmf_ 'q.jmf';3e5
map_jmf_ 'q';'q.jmf';'sh';0
The first line defines the requisite mapped file utilities
into the jmf locale.
The second line creates a mapped file
named q.jmf of size 300,000 bytes.
The third line maps the file, associating the
name q
(more precisely q_base_,
q in
the base locale) to the mapped
file q.jmf, using the share
name sh,
in read-write mode. Initially, q is the empty vector.
The verb showmap_jmf_ provides
information on currently mapped arrays. The result is a table
with a row of column headings and one row of information per
mapped array: name, file name, share name, file handle,
mapping handle, address, header address, size, and number of references.
For example:
showmap_jmf_ ''
|name |fn |sn|fh |mh |address |header |msize |refs|
|q_base_|q.jmf|sh|380|408|39714816|39714816|300000|2 |
To create a mapped boxed array, simply assign a boxed array to a mapped name.
q=: 'abc';(i.2 3);'penultimate';_1
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
Any operation supported on a boxed array, is supported on a mapped boxed array.
In particular, amend in place is supported.
A mapped boxed array is self-contained in the mapped file.
That is, q itself and the
subarrays 'abc',
i.2 3,
and _1
are all contained in the mapped file.
To unmap an array, use the
verb unmap_jmf_. The argument is the
name of the mapped array. Thus:
unmap_jmf_ 'q'
Amend in Place
Amend in place is supported for mapped boxed array. In the
phrase a=: b ind}a
the indexed elements of a are amended,
and in so doing no copy of a is created.
Hence amend in place.
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
q=: (<'alpha') 0}q
|alpha|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
In amending element 0
from 'abc' to 'alpha', no copy
of q is made. (Trust me.)
Amend in place for mapped boxed array is atomic, in that either all
the specified elements are amended or none of them are amended.
In the following example, neither element 0 nor 1 is amended.
Element 0 would have succeeded, but the new data for element 1
is i.1e6, which takes over 4 Mbytes, but the mapped file
for q is limited to 300 Kbytes.
q=: ('abc';i.1e6) 0 1}q
|allocation error
| q=:('abc';i.1000000) 0 1}q
|alpha|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
Multiple References
Assigning a name to a mapped array creates a reference
to that array. All names so assigned refer to the same array,
and a change to the array is reflected in all the names.
This property applies in particular to multiple references created
as a result of using a mapped array
as an argument to an explicitly defined verb, adverb, or conjunction.
For example:
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
t=: q
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
t=: (<'boustrophedonic') _1}t
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|boustrophedonic|
| |3 4 5| | |
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|boustrophedonic|
| |3 4 5| | |
am=: 4 : 0
y.=. x. 0}y.
(<'alpha') am t
|alpha|0 1 2|penultimate|boustrophedonic|
| |3 4 5| | |
q -: t
Shared Use
The verb share_jmf_
provides access to an array previously mapped
in the current or another process. The argument
is n;s
where n is
the new name
and s is the share name
supplied in the original call
to map_jmf_. For example:
share_jmf_ 'xy';'sh'
|alpha|0 1 2|penultimate|boustrophedonic|
| |3 4 5| | |
The result is a new reference to the mapped array, with consequences
as described in Multiple References.
The verb 15!:12 returns a 3-column
sorted integer matrix of memory usage information on a mapped boxed array.
The columns are: address, block size, and usage code (0 overall; 1 used;
2 free). For example:
q=: 'abc';(i.2 3);'penultimate';_1
|abc|0 1 2|penultimate|_1|
| |3 4 5| | |
15!:12 q
32309552 299576 0
32309552 64 1
32309616 64 1
32309680 128 1
32309808 64 1
32309872 64 2
32309936 128 2
32310064 4096 2
32314160 32768 2
32346928 262144 2
15!:12 'not a mapped boxed array'
|domain error
| 15!:12 'not a mapped boxed array'
The verb mbxcheck_jmf_ performs
internal consistency checks on a mapped boxed array, based on the information
produced by 15!:12. The result
is a boolean vector whose elements correspond to the following conditions:
0 usage codes are 0, 1, or 2
1 block sizes are powers of 2
2 blocks are contiguous
3 first block begins at the base address
4 last block is within bounds
5 the total block size is a multiple of 64
6 the total block size matches the overall size rounded down to 64
7 addresses are double-word aligned
For example:
mbxcheck_jmf_ q
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The verb 15!:13 reconstructs the free
list of a mapped boxed array (not yet implemented).
Function Summary
- createjmf_jmf_ f;m
- Create map file f with size m bytes.
- map_jmf_ n;f;s;ro
- Map name n to file f with share
name s, read-only or not
(ro=1 or 0).
- unmap_jmf_ n
- Erase name n from the current
process and, if it is not still mapped
(by the current or some other process), unmap the associated file.
- share_jmf_ n;s
- Obtain access to a mapped array under
name n and share name s .
- showmap_jmf_ ''
- A boxed table of column headings and one row of information for
each mapped array: name, file name, share name, file handle,
mapping handle, address, header address, size, and number of references.
- mbxcheck_jmf_ y
- Apply internal consistency checks on the mapped boxed
array y (based on 15!:12).
- 15!:12 y
- A 3-column matrix of addresses, block sizes, and usage codes
for mapped boxed array y.
- 15!:13 y
- Reconstruct the free-list for mapped boxed
array y (not yet implemented).