13!:16 Withdrawn |
initial writing: 2003-05-15 last updated: 2004-10-26 |
The conjunction 13!:16 Trace has been withdrawn and replaced by the script system\packages\misc\trace.ijs . The 13!:16 implementation required complications in the interpreter unwarranted by the amount of benefit, and having the trace as a script provides a model of the J parser whose internal workings can be examined and experimented with.
The main function in the script is trace :
x trace y | trace expression y to x levels of function calls | |
trace y | same as _ trace y |
trace '3+i.4' --------------- 1 Monad ------ i. 4 0 1 2 3 --------------- 2 Dyad ------- 3 + 0 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 ============================== 3 4 5 6 trace 'plus=: +' --------------- 7 Is --------- plus =: + + ============================== trace 'sum=: plus/' --------------- 3 Adverb ----- plus / plus/ --------------- 7 Is --------- sum =: plus/ plus/ ============================== trace 'sum p: 2+i.3' --------------- 1 Monad ------ i. 3 0 1 2 --------------- 2 Dyad ------- 2 + 0 1 2 2 3 4 --------------- 1 Monad ------ p: 2 3 4 5 7 11 --------------- 0 Monad ------ sum 5 7 11 ------------------------------ plus/ 5 7 11 ------------------------------ 7 + 11 18 ============================== 5 + 18 23 ============================== 23 ============================== 23 ============================== 23 mean=: sum % # 1 trace 'mean"1 *: i.2 3' --------------- 1 Monad ------ i. 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 --------------- 4 Conj ------- mean " 1 mean"1 --------------- 1 Monad ------ *: i.2 3 0 1 4 9 16 25 --------------- 0 Monad ------ mean"1 2 3$0 1 4 9 16 25 ------------------------------ sum % # 0 1 4 1.6666666666666667 ============================== sum % # 9 16 25 16.666666666666668 ============================== 1.66667 16.6667 ============================== 1.66667 16.6667