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Command line parameters

The J Front End puts the command line parameters in ARGV_z_. Some parameters affect JFE actions and others affect profile actions. With -jprofile and -js parameters you can start J in various ways.

In the following J is a JFE. F is the name of a script. A is 0 or more additional parameters.
J               - load profile
J F A           - load profile; profile loads F

J -jprofile     - no profile
J -jprofile F A - load F (special profile)

J -js A         - load profile
                  profile sets ARGVVERB_z_ from A and runs it
Examples with -js:
jconsole -js a=.23 b=.3 "echo a*b"
jconsole -js a=.23 b=.3 "echo a*b" "exit''"

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