This script defines string utilities and is included in the J standard library. Definitions are loaded into the z locale.
C | charsub, chopstring, cut, cuts |
D | deb, delstring, dlb, dltb, dltbs, dquote, dropafter, dropto, dtb, dtbs |
F | fstringreplace |
J | joinstring |
L | ljust |
Q | quote |
R | rjust, rplc |
S | splitnostring, splitstring, ss, stringreplace |
T | takeafter, taketo |
cut | v | cut text, by default on blanks |
deb | v | delete extra blanks |
delstring | v | delete occurrences of x from y |
dlb | v | delete leading blanks |
dltb | v | delete leading and trailing blanks |
dropafter | v | drop after x in y |
dropto | v | drop to x in y |
dtb | v | delete trailing blanks |
joinstring | v | join boxed list y with x; see splitstring |
ljust | v | left justify |
quote | v | quote text |
rjust | v | right justify |
ss | v | string search |
takeafter | v | take after x in y |
taketo | v | take to x in y |
Character substitution.
characterpairs charsub string
'-_$ ' charsub '$123 -456 -789'
123 _456 _789
Use rplc for arbitrary string replacement.
Chop delimited string to list of boxed strings.
[fd[;sd0[,sd1]]] chopstring string
returns: list of boxed literals
y is: delimited string
x is: a literal or 1 or 2-item boxed list of optional delimiters.
0{:: single literal field delimiter (fd). Defaults to ' '
(1;0){:: (start) string delimiter (sd0). Defaults to "
(1;1){:: end string delimiter (sd1). Defaults to "
Consecutive field delimiters indicate empty field. Field delimiters may occur within a field if the field is enclosed by string delimiters.
('|';'<>') chopstring '<hello|world>|4|84.3'
This builds verbs to cut strings at given text and apply verbs to the pieces.
string (verb cuts n) text
n=_1 up to but not including string
n= 1 up to and including string
n=_2 after but not including string
n= 2 after and including string
Delete multiple leading and trailing blanks. Text is delimited by characters in x with default LF
< 'A' dltbs ' A abc def Ars A x y z '
│Aabc defArsAx y z│
Double quote text.
dquote 'Pete"s Place'
"Pete""s Place"
Delete multiple trailing blanks in text. Text is delimited by characters in x with default CRLF
< 'A' dtbs ' A abc def Ars A x y z '
│A abc defArsA x y z│
Replace strings in file
(old;new) fstringreplace file
This is stringreplace but with arguments reversed.
'hello' rplc 'e';'a';'o';'owed'
Split y by non-overlapping substrings x This is a non-overlapping variant of E.
Split y by substring x. see joinstring.
Replace characters in text string.
oldnew stringreplace text
oldnew is a 2-column boxed matrix of old ,. new
or a vector of same
stringreplace priority is the same order as oldnew
('aba';'XYZT';'ba';'+') stringreplace 'ababa'
('ba';'+';'aba';'XYZT') stringreplace 'ababa'