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Currying favor

A dyad may be supplied with a fixed left or right argument to provide a useful monad, by using the bond conjunction, denoted by the ampersand (&), together with a dyad as left or right argument, and some value as the other argument. For example, a “three times” verb may be defined

   thrice 2 _1.7 0
6 _5.1 0

Another example provides a “rotate left 1” verb by fixing the left argument of the rotate verb (|.) to be 1

   rotleft1 'star'

The common logarithm verb may be defined by

   log 2 3
0.30103 0.477121

And the sine in degress of high school trigonometry by

(1) radians from degrees

   rfd =. *&0.0174532925199432958
   rfd 30 45 60
0.523599 0.785398 1.0472

(2) sine of radians


(3) sine of degrees

   sind 30 45 60
0.5 0.707107 0.866025