A Tour (de Force) of APL in 16 Expressions Index   <<   >>

We believe that the design of APL was also affected in important respects by a number of procedures and circumstances. Firstly, from its inception APL has been developed by using it in a succession of areas. This emphasis on application clearly favors practicality and simplicity. The treatment of many different areas fostered generalization …
— Falkoff and Iverson, The Design of APL, 1973 
The mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s must be beautiful; the ideas like the colours or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics.
— G.H. Hardy, A Mathematician’s Apology, 1940 
Such were the vagaries of what may have been the most powerful computer language ever hatched by a Canadian. Yes, I know that James Gosling, an alumnus of the University of Calgary, was the “father of Java.” He and I have talked about it. And yes, there is a now a game called “Perl Golf” in which you try to do the most work in that scripting language with the fewest number of (key-) strokes. Java and Perl are good and useful and popular, but APL was … beautiful.
— Tom Keenan, Business Edge, 2004