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Transpose |:  _ 1 _ Transpose

|: reverses the order of the axes of its argument. For example:
   (] ; |:) i. 3 4
|0 1  2  3|0 4  8|
|4 5  6  7|1 5  9|
|8 9 10 11|2 6 10|
|         |3 7 11|
  x|:y moves axes x to the tail end. If x is boxed, the axes in each box are run together to produce a single axis:
   y=: 3 4$'abcdefghijkl'
   y;(1 0|:y);(0|:y);((<0 1)|:y)
|efgh|bfj|bfj|   |
|ijkl|cgk|cgk|   |
|    |dhl|dhl|   |

For example:
   y=: a.{~ (a. i. 'a') + i. 2 3 4
   z=: y;(2 1 |: y);((<2 1) |: y);(|: i. 4 5)
   z ,&< |:&.> z
||abcd|aei|afk|0 5 10 15|||am|am|am| 0  1  2  3  4||
||efgh|bfj|mrw|1 6 11 16|||eq|bn|fr| 5  6  7  8  9||
||ijkl|cgk|   |2 7 12 17|||iu|co|kw|10 11 12 13 14||
||    |dhl|   |3 8 13 18|||  |dp|  |15 16 17 18 19||
||mnop|   |   |4 9 14 19|||bn|  |  |              ||
||qrst|mqu|   |         |||fr|eq|  |              ||
||uvwx|nrv|   |         |||jv|fr|  |              ||
||    |osw|   |         |||  |gs|  |              ||
||    |ptx|   |         |||co|ht|  |              ||
|+----+---+---+---------+||gs|  |  |              ||
|                        ||kw|iu|  |              ||
|                        ||  |jv|  |              ||
|                        ||dp|kw|  |              ||
|                        ||ht|lx|  |              ||
|                        ||lx|  |  |              ||
|                        |+--+--+--+--------------+|

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