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  1. Abramowitz, Milton, and Irene A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964
  2. de Kerf, Joseph, The Common Mean and APL, Vector 11 3, Jan.1995
  3. Graham, Ronald L., Donald E. Knuth, and Oren Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science, Addison-Wesley, 1988
  4. Hui, Roger K.W., Some Uses of { and }, APL87, APL Quote-Quad, Volume 17,
  5. Number 4, 1987
  6. Hui, Roger K.W., K.E. Iverson, J Dictionary, Iverson Software Inc., 1998
  7. Iverson, K.E., Calculus, Iverson Software Inc., 1994

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